A Commute Worse than Usual
On May 12 of this year, one of dozens of Amtrak trains crisscrossing the country was chugging along its usual route from Washington, D.C. to New York City. Passengers tottered through the aisles to the dining car, and commuters rested their eyes against the broad glass windows. Suddenly, the train accelerated. Riders were pressed back against their seats, and luggage slid backwards. The train jolted from the 50 mph speed limit to 70. And then it accelerated again, to over 100 miles per hour, just as the train careened towards a sharp curve. The cars barreled off the tracks, derailing completely; 200 passengers were injured, while eight were killed. It was a terrible and unusual tragedy.
In Florida, use of commuter rails may be a little less common than in the Northeast United States. However, the story of the recent Amtrak derailment is enough to cause nightmares for even the most confident train rider. Airplane, train, bus, and mass transit accidents are statistically rare, but to someone injured in one, the numbers carry little comfort. The Amtrak accident reminds commuters and leisure travelers alike to stop and think, “What would I do if I were in the passenger seat?”
What Do I Do If I’m in a Mass Transit or Aviation Accident?
As news stories report class action suits forming around the Amtrak derailment, it may seem like injured passengers and surviving loved ones of the deceased are out of luck. It may appear that victims of these types of accidents are forced succumb to a wave of attorneys’ fees, paperwork, and red tape just to get some relief from powerful transit corporations.
But this is not the case. Many options exist for victims of these types of accidents, and there’s no reason for you to navigate them alone. If you or a loved one is ever or has ever been involved in a mass transit, bus, helicopter, or aviation accident, qualified attorneys can be there to help. These attorneys are trained specifically to help you down the road to medical and financial recovery. In cases of these accidents, aviation and transit attorneys can help establish whether proper safety regulations and policies were in place and whether they were followed. They can also determine how those responsible can be held to their duties of care, and even assist you in receiving financial or other compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and ongoing medical conditions or disabilities.
Who Should I Contact?
The Tallahassee attorneys at Fasig & Brooks have experience representing those injured in aviation and transit accidents. If you or a loved one has experienced one, don’t attempt to fly solo. Contact us today for a free consultation. And if you’ve never faced an accident of this type, rest easy knowing that if your commute ever flies off the rails, there’s a team of qualified professionals standing by to help.