Bob Simon, the longtime “60 Minutes” correspondent and CBS News foreign reporter, was killed on February 11, 2015, in a New York City car crash. The award-winning newsman was 73 years old.
According to police, Mr. Simon was riding in the back seat of a Lincoln Town Car when the vehicle struck a Mercedes-Benz that was stopped at a red light on Manhattan’s West Side around 6:45 p.m. The impact of the crash caused severe trauma to Mr. Simon’s head and neck, based on reports from the police. Police also indicate that he was in cardiac arrest after the accident and he passed away while being rushed to a local hospital.
A preliminary investigation by the New York City police has determined that “speed may have been a factor” in causing the accident.
Speed-Related Auto Accidents And Head/Neck Injuries
Years of analysis have shown auto accident researchers that motor vehicle accidents are often a result of various driver, vehicle, or environmental-related factors. Some of the most common driver-related factors that lead to car crashes include impaired driving, distracted driving, and aggressive driving, which includes speeding.
Annually, about 32 percent of all motor vehicle traffic accident fatalities are speed-related (meaning at least one of the drivers involved in the crash was exceeding posted speed limits, or was driving too fast for current road or weather conditions). Statistics also include fatalities associated with speed-related driving violations such as racing and driving above the speed limit.
In Florida, according to 2012 Census data, there were 2,558 traffic fatalities in 2009, the most current statistics. Of these, 535 were speed-related, including 56 interstate accidents involving speeds over 55 mph and 17 interstate accidents that involved speeds at or under 55 mph. For non-interstate accidents, there were 78 fatality accidents that occurred at speeds greater than 55 mph, 127 that occurred at speeds greater than 45 mph, and 85 fatalities that occurred at speeds under 35 mph.
Two very common injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents are head and neck injuries.
- Head Injuries– a head injury is any trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain. Head injuries may be open or closed. An open head injury involves penetration of the skin, skull, or brain tissue. Open head injuries often happen when the injured person is moving at a high rate of speed, such as when an individual goes through a windshield during a car accident. A closed head injury means the individual received a hard blow to the head from striking an object, but the object did not break the skull. Head injuries can include:
- concussions, in which the brain is shaken, and often hits the inside of the skull;
- scalp wounds; and
- skull fractures.
Head injuries are dangerous because they can cause bleeding in the brain tissue, as well as in the layers surrounding the brain. Depending on where the bleeding occurs, injured individuals may suffer from a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a subdural hematoma, or an extradural hematoma.
- Neck Injuries– the forces involved in automobile accidents also may cause neck injuries. Any part of the neck may be injured, including the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, or nerves. Pain also may travel to the neck from the shoulder, jaw, head, or upper arms. When an injury occurs to the soft tissue of the neck, it often is called whiplash, neck sprain, or neck strain. Serious neck trauma also may lead to spinal cord injury.
Symptoms of head and neck injuries caused by a car accident may occur right away or they may develop slowly over several hours or days. Even if there is no obvious injury, the brain can hit the inside of the skull, causing bleeding or swelling inside the skull that can lead to long-term brain damage or death. Similarly, neck injuries may not be immediately obvious after an accident. Because of the serious risk of long-term disabilities and pain, it is important for those involved in a car, truck, or other vehicular accident to seek immediate medical attention from a competent medical professional.
Tallahassee Legal Help For Accident Victims Who Suffer Head Injuries Or Neck Pain
If you were injured in a car accident in which speed was a factor, or if you sustained a head or neck injury in a vehicular accident, the personal injury attorneys at Fasig & Brooks can help you recover for you pain, suffering, medical bills, lost wages, and other losses related to your accident. Call us today to tell us about your particular circumstances. Our experienced and helpful Tallahassee attorneys can be reached at (850) 222-3232or by using our convenient online contact form.