Tallahassee road construction work zones are difficult for drivers to negotiate and for construction crews to work in. The lane changes, orange barrels, and barriers create driving hazards that often result in serious accidents. Victims of construction zone accidents and other negligent driving can get legal help to recover for damages by contacting an experienced Tallahassee personal injury attorney.
Florida Road Construction Work Zone Accidents
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) recently recognized National Work Zone Awareness Week to promote awareness of the risks drivers and construction workers face in work zone areas.
In 2012 alone, there were 4,677 crashes in Florida work zones, resulting in 2,376 people sustaining serious injuries and 51 fatalities.
Nationally, in 2010, there were 87,606 crashes in work zones, resulting in 37,476 injuries. This equated to one work zone injury every 14 minutes, or about four people injured every hour.
Workers Injured In Construction Zones
According to federal data on road construction injuries, the states with the most worker deaths in work zones, in ranked order, are Texas, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, California, Georgia, and Indiana.
In 2012, transportation accidents were responsible for 76 percent of roadway work zone fatal occupational injuries. In 67 percent of these accidents, a pedestrian worker was struck by a vehicle.Workers most commonly struck were construction laborers, highway maintenance workers, heavy truck drivers, tractor trailer truck drivers, first-line supervisors of construction workers, and construction equipment operators.
Where workers were fatally injured, accident investigations showed that the following causes were to blame:
– Run over/backed over (often by a dump truck)- 48%;
– Collision between vehicles/mobile equipment- 14%; and
– Caught between/struck by construction equipment and another object- 14%.
Florida Construction Zone Safety Rules
Florida state agencies, municipalities, and cities, as well as private contractors and maintenance companies, are responsible for making sure that construction zones are carefully designed and maintained. Guidelines for setting up work zone signs, barricades, flagging, and other safety protocols are outlined in the Department of Transportation’s “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD).”
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) also has implemented a Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program with the goal of reducing speeds through work zones. The program consists of a Motorist Awareness System (MAS), which is to be used when the work zone:
– consists of multiple lanes;
– is in a high speed area, posted at 55 mph or greater;
– requires at least one lane closure; and
– is to have workers present.
The Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program also specifically outlines where and when Changeable Message Signs (CMS) are to be used, as well as when portable regulatory signs (PRS) are to be used. It also calls for Radar Speed Display Units (RSDU) and temporary raised rumble strips in certain work zone situations.
Tallahassee Road Construction Accident Attorneys Serving Northern Florida And Southern Georgia
Victims of construction zone accidents can be injured in a variety of ways. Construction site workers can be injured by motorists. Motorists can also be injured by improperly established highway construction sites.
At Fasig & Brooks, our Tallahassee highway accident lawyers understand the unique nature of roadway accidents. We are dedicated to helping you obtain the maximum compensation for accidents due to problems such as:
– a rear-end collision, sideswipe collision, or fixed-object collision;
– improperly installed temporary lane markings;
– inadequate warning signs;
– improperly positioned or missing barriers;
– construction equipment or road debris; or
– dangerous road surface defects, inadequate sight line, or other improper road maintenance.
If you have been injured in a construction zone accident, call our personal injury lawyers today at (850) 222-3232 to schedule your first consultation. The consultation is always free.