Every year more of us rely on Uber to get from one place to another. However, Uber drivers aren’t perfect and, just like any other driver on the road, one mistake from them could spell disaster. If you’re in a crash during an Uber trip, your driver may tell you to report the crash using the Uber app after contacting the police.
Do not report the crash to Uber using their app to have assert a claim against a negligent Uber driver. The Uber app will direct you to a form that asks you to type in your injuries at the time, and how the crash happened. While the website makes it sound like they are just trying to gather “required” information, the information you provide could be used against you in the future when dealing with Uber’s insurance company.
If you type in that you are “not injured” at the scene, Uber can use that statement to cast doubt on the pain or injury you don’t discover until later. If you type in a description of what happened, they can use that description as a statement against you later.
There is even a link in the app to take pictures of the scene using your phone. However, if taken within the app those pictures won’t be saved in your phone. Instead, the file will go directly to Uber for their use.
In order to have a claim against an Uber driver that causes you to be in a crash, you do not need to report the crash through their app to have a claim. The best thing to do is to call the police. The police will report the incident and moreover, anything you say to the officer during the investigation is privileged and cannot be used against you later.