A brain injury is a devastating injury that has major impacts on both the victims and their loved ones alike. There are many ways that these types of injuries can be caused, and none as frustrating as injuries caused by someone else’s recklessness, negligence, or criminal behavior. While no amount of money can undo the situation that caused the brain injury, there are ways to seek compensation for a range of damages following an accident caused by someone else that seeks to alleviate the financial stressors that come along with it. This is known as a tort claim, and working with a Jacksonville catastrophic injury lawyer is one of the best ways to successfully resolve this legal matter, either as an out-of-court settlement or through a comprehensive lawsuit in the Florida courts.
Contact Fasig | Brooks Today For a Free Consultation About Your Brain Injury Case
We offer a free case evaluation for a range of personal injuries including brain injuries. During this initial consultation, we will be able to discuss the many specific details that make your situation unique, such as the cause of the injuries, who caused it, the impacts of the injuries, and more. Additionally, our Jacksonville personal injury lawyers will be able to provide you with insight into how we represent cases like yours, as well as provide past examples of successful cases to give you an idea of the quality of representation that you can expect from our award-winning team. This consultation is an important step in our working relationship, as it can give you the confidence and understanding that you need before moving forward with our work together.
Read more below to get a better idea of brain injury personal injury cases, and contact us as soon as possible to get started on your case today.

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Common Causes of Brain Injuries
The following are just a few examples of the most common causes of brain injuries and is not meant to be comprehensive or exhaustive in any way. Whether or not you see a cause below that resembles your own situation, contact our firm now so that we can discuss these injuries and your unique case directly. Brain injuries are categorized as traumatic and non-traumatic.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury, otherwise known as a TBI, is caused by a blow to the head that results in serious damage to the brain and surrounding areas. The following are the most common causes of TBIs:
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle riders over the age of 21 are not required to wear helmets in Florida, and many suggest that this may be one of a variety of factors that make Florida the most dangerous state in the country for motorcycle fatalities. A helmet protects from trauma to the head and brain and is an important piece of safety equipment.
Car Accidents
Car accidents at any speed can result in a TBI, ranging from minor concussions to permanent brain damage or brain death. If you suspect that you or a passenger has suffered from a head injury following a car accident, be sure to call 911 as soon as possible and get the necessary help from medical professionals.
Falls down stairs or on wet floors can lead to the victim hitting their head on the hard ground, leading to a serious concussion or other types of TBIs like a brain contusion. Any suspected brain injury must be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible to avoid further complications or possibly even death.
Assaults are also common causes of brain injuries, as the assailant may strike out at the victim with their hands, feet, or other objects that can cause serious injuries. Criminal charges do not impact a victim’s ability to file civil charges against the defendant, as they are two separate types of cases with two very different burdens of proof.
Non-Traumatic Brain Injuries
Non-traumatic brain injuries are just as serious as traumatic brain injuries but are the result of much different causes. The following are some of the most common causes of non-traumatic brain injuries.
Strokes are a leading cause of non-traumatic brain injuries and require immediate medical attention to reduce the long-term symptoms for the victim. If you suspect that you or a loved one received inadequate medical care following a stroke, contact us today.
Hypoxia is the loss of oxygen to the brain and can be caused by any number of issues that may or may not be someone else’s fault. If the brain injury in question was caused by hypoxia as a result of someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or criminal behavior, contact us as soon as possible.
Prescription Errors
When a doctor or practitioner prescribes medication, it is essential that they account for all other medications that you are on, as well as possible allergies or reactions you may have to the medication. In certain cases, a doctor may mis prescribe a medication and the results can be life-threatening.

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Seeking Compensation For Brain Injuries
If the brain injuries in question are the result of someone else’s behavior, then you may be able to seek compensation for a range of damages caused by their negligence, recklessness, or even malice. In many cases, the responsible party may have an insurance policy covering their liability; however, if there is no insurance policy in place, we will work to directly seek compensation from the defendant themselves.
Economic Damages
Economic damages include any damage that comes with a measurable dollar value. These commonly include your medical bills and all other recovery costs, as well as impacts to your earnings and more. While these damages are easy to calculate because of the simplicity of measuring them, it can be complicated to track down the full range of damages a victim suffers that entitles them to reimbursement.
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages are more complicated to calculate because they seek compensation for damages that do not have measurable values associated with them. They include things like pain and suffering of the injuries, as well as a range of psychological, physiological, and emotional impacts such as depression, anxiety, and fear resulting from the accident. In addition, diminished quality of life does not have a set value but is a significant legal damage that the victim deserves compensation for. The methods for calculating these types of damages vary from case to case but rest assured that your attorney will fight to get you the money you deserve.

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